El núcleo tiene 3 protones (lo que le da al núcleo una carga de +3, identificándolo como el elemento Litio) y 4 neutrones (lo que le da un número total de masa de 7).
The following vectors have been given: 
The angle between these two vectors can be found by:


Diffraction is observed when a wave is distorted by an obstacle whose dimensions are comparable to the wavelength. The simplest case corresponds to the Fraunhofer diffraction, in which the obstacle is a long, narrow slit, so we can ignore the effects of extremes.
This is a simple case, in which we can use the Fraunhofer single slit diffraction equation:


Solving for λ:

Replacing the data provided by the problem:

A good hypothesis describes your ideas and how you think the experiment will conclude. Additionally, hypotheses have scientific information included.