Frequensey or hertz, I looked this up on the internet!
answer: derived physical quantities are those quantities that are obtained from the basic physical quantities by multiplication or division and area is one of them
Your answer would be B. It forms hydrogen ions (H+)
If there's no preference over the string case (upper case or lower case), one can convert both strings to upper case or to lowercase and then compare the converted strings to test if they're equal or not.
An Illustration is
string a = "Boy"
string b = 'bOy"
if(a.ToUpper() == b.ToUpper() || a.ToLower() == b.ToLower())
Print "Equal Strings"
Print "Strings are not equal";
The above will first convert both strings and then compare.
Since they are the same (after conversion), the statement "Equal Strings" will be printed, without the quotes