Conductors are better than insulators to carry electric current because they give the electricity the ability to flow freely throughout circuits. This helps the insulator to do its job of containing the electric charge. Examples of this would be a tv plug - the rubber surrounding the TV plug helps to keep the conductors (wires) in place, thus helping to facilitate an electric charge.
Marie curie worked as a governess and she was awarded noble prize for her discoveries.
When Marie curie worked as a governess for three years her employer allowed her to teach reading to the children of peasant workers at his beet sugar factory. This was banned under Russian rule. During that time she studied chemistry lessons from her father by mail.
Marie curie was awarded the Noble prize in chemistry for her discoveries and studies of elements radium and polonium. She is the only women who is awarded the Noble prize twice.
She made her first research into the treatment of tumors with radiation and founded a Curie institutes, that are important medical research centers.
Upwelling is the natural process which brings cold, nutrient-rich water to the surface. A huge upwelling regularly occurs off the coast of Peru, which enjoys a large fishing industry as a result. Upwelling is a process in which currents bring deep, cold water to the surface of the ocean.
good luck
substitute: <span><span>t<span>1/2</span></span>=<span><span>ln(2)</span>k</span>→k=<span><span>ln(2)</span><span>t<span>1/2</span></span></span></span>
Into the appropriate equation: <span>[A<span>]t</span>=[A<span>]0</span>∗<span>e<span>−kt</span></span></span>
<span>[A<span>]t</span>=(250.0 g)∗<span>e<span>−<span><span>ln(2)</span><span>3.823 days</span></span>(7.22 days)</span></span>=67.52 g</span>