The balloon would still move like a rocket
The principle of work of this system is the Newton's third law of motion, which states that:
"When an object A exerts a force on an object B (action), object B exerts an equal and opposite force (reaction) on object A"
In this problem, we can identify the balloon as object A and the air inside the balloon as object B. As the air goes out from the balloon, the balloon exerts a force (backward) on the air, and as a result of Newton's 3rd law, the air exerts an equal and opposite force (forward) on the balloon, making it moving forward.
This mechanism is not affected by the presence or absence of surrounding air: in fact, this mechanism also works in free space, where there is no air (and in fact, rockets also moves in space using this system, despite the absence of air).
i think its very hot summers
It’s either C or D. let me know but I would do C!
Answer: Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
Answer: wave
These are the basic definitions and characteristic of the terms given, which show tha the only rigth answer is the second option: wave.
1) Force is an interaction. There are four natural forces: electrostatic, gravity, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force.
2) Wave: is a sequence of pulses or vibrations that cause the continuous transportation of energy (propagation). There is not transport of mass, only energy.
Some examples of waves are sound waves, electromagnetic waves (light, radio waves, micro waves, infrarred waves, ultraviolet waves).
3) Vacuum: is the absence of matter; empty space. Only electromagnetic waves can travel through vacuum; other waves need a medium to travel.
4) Medium: any matter is a medium: a solid, the air, a liquid, all of them are media through which waves can transport its energy, depending of the wavelength.