J.J. Thomson's cathode ray experiment was a set of three experiments that assisted in discovering electrons. He did this using a cathode ray tube or CRT. It is a vacuum sealed tube with a cathode and anode on one side.
The little dipper is located in Ursa Minor you would also get a clue because... Minor and little
The mass of ore required is
21 700 t.
r = 750 cm
V =


= 1.767 × 10⁹ cm³
The density of lead is 11.34 g/cm³.
So mass of lead sphere = 1.767 × 10⁹ cm³ ×

= 2.004 ×10¹⁰ g
2.004 ×10¹⁰ g ×

= 2.004 × 10⁷ kg
2.004 × 10⁷ kg ×

= 2.004 × 10⁴ t
92.5% efficiency means 92.5 t Pb per 100 t of ore.
Mass of ore = 2.004 × 10⁴ t Pb ×

= 2.17 × 10⁴ t ore = 21 700 t ore
The boiling points need to differ by 50 degrees to enable their complete separation ie of two different liquids. The separation occurs by first evaporation of one of the liquids and then its condensation and collection. It is a physical process not a chemical one.