Pathogens are microorganisms that cause infectious diseases. Bacteria and viruses are the main pathogens in the world today.
The major problem that pathogen cause in society is that they are the agents of infection and disease.
An infection results when a pathogen invades the body and begins growing within a host. A disease results when tissue function is impaired due to an infection.
Due to diseases, affected people can not work which negatively affects the economy, and the sick may end up dying causing a lot of grief, and robbing society of a father, a mother or child.
The government has to put money aside for health care which would otherwise have been used for other things to help the society.
A white shirt really reflects light
That Energy Cannot Be Created Nor Destroyed
Primero, definimos el desplazamiento como la distancia entre la posición final y la posición inicial.
Así, si comenzamos abajo, luego subimos la escalera, y luego bajamos, la posición final y la posición inicial serán la misma
por lo que el desplazamiento es igual a cero.
La medida recorrida es el espacio total recorrido.
Es decir, si entre el principio y el final de la escalera hay una distancia D.
La persona que sube y baja, recorre esta distancia dos veces.
Entonces cuando una persona sube y baja la escalera, la medida de su trayectoria será 2*D.