c. Was an idea created and supported by Congress.
The idea that John Marshall, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, singularly established the principle of judicial review in Marbury v. Madison(1803) was an idea created and supported by Congress.
They did not believed Galileo's discoveries because religiouse reasons the preast said that all the bible is true but Galileo despised it.
2.23 × 10^6 g of F- must be added to the cylindrical reservoir in order to obtain a drinking water with a concentration of 0.8ppm of F-
Here are the steps of how to arrive at the answer:
The volume of a cylinder = ((pi)D²/4) × H
Where D = diameter of the cylindrical reservoir = 2.02 × 10^2m
H = Height of the reservoir = 87.32m
Therefore volume of cylindrical reservoir = (3.142×202²/4)m² × 87.32m = 2798740.647m³
1ppm = 1g/m³
0.8ppm = 0.8 × 1g/m³
= 0.8g/m³
Therefore to obtain drinking water of concentration 0.8g/m³ in a reservoir of volume 2798740.647m³, F- of mass = 0.8g/m³ × 2798740.647m³ = 2.23 × 10^6 g must be added to the tank.
Thank you for reading.