When it has a magnetic field
Long wavelength
Wavelengths that corresponds to the bands of blue and red are strongly absorbed whereas the wavelengths that lie in the mid-range corresponds to green light that are absorbed weakly.
Fluorescence produced is always directed towards longer wavelengths of the spectra as compared to the corresponding spectra for absorption.
The magnetic field strength of a very long current-carrying wire is proportional to the inverse of the distance from the wire. The farther you go from the wire, the weaker the magnetic field becomes.
B ∝ 1/d
B = magnetic field strength, d = distance from wire
Calculate the scaling factor for d required to change B from 25μT to 2.8μT:
2.8μT/25μT = 1/k
k = 8.9
You must go to a distance of 8.9d to observe a magnetic field strength of 2.8μT