Left Panel
A is an acid. Not the answer.
B is correct. That would be a base. But it is not an Arrhenius base. Keep reading.
C that is exactly what an Arrhenius base is.
D. No an acid of some sort would accept OH ions.
Right Panel
D is concentrated and it is also a weak base. Good cleaning fluid. Smells awful but it works.
Ionization energy is directly proportional to elements location on the periodic table
It is an ensemble of similar cells
[SO2Cl2] = = 0.015 M
[SO2] = = 0.0027 M
[Cl2] = = 0.0027 M
Q = = = 4.8 × 10−4
No. Q < Kc, so reaction will shift to the right.
2) mg donates two protons to O.