Oxygen Gas
The balanced equation shows us the reactant ratio of the reaction.
This means that for every one mole of CH3CH2OH, we need 3 moles of O2 to react with it. Because we need more O2, (3x as much) than ethanol and we have the same given amount (1 mole of each), the oxygen will be the limiting reagent. (1 mole of oxygen would only require 1/3 moles of ethanol to react).
Hope this helped!
Think of it this way,
Mix Iron and sulphur in a bowl. How do you separate them? Use a magnet right. Yes.
Now, mix the iron and sulphur together but know, heat them up. Let them cool for a while. After that, use a magnet to separate. You cant. This is because the compound (FeS) now has a different property from its original components.
Apply this theory onto salts.
He knew he was in the desert when he saw the dust blowing and a cactus. /// He was trying to desert the field in which was dangerous.
Higher temperatures cause solid solutes to dissolve at a faster rate than normal
Williamson's ether reactions imply that an alkoxide reacts with a primary haloalkane. Alkoxides consisting of the conjugate base of an alcohol and are formed by a group R attached to an oxygen atom. They are often written as RO–, where R is the organic substituent (Step 1).
Sn2 reactions are characterized by the reversal of stereochemistry at the site of the leaving group. Williamson's synthesis is no exception and the reaction is initiated by the subsequent attack of the nucleophile. This requires that the nucleophile and electrophile be in anti-configuration (Step 2).
As an example (figure 3).
In the attached file are each of the steps of Williamson's synthesis.