Gregor Mendel, through his work on pea plants, discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance. He deduced that genes come in pairs and are inherited as distinct units, one from each parent. Mendel tracked the segregation of parental genes and their appearance in the offspring as dominant or recessive traits.
Through his careful breeding of garden peas, Gregor Mendel discovered the basic principles of heredity and laid the mathematical foundation of the science of genetics.
Atoms like in chemistry class?
El Big Bang fue el momento, hace 13.800 millones de años, cuando el universo comenzó como una pequeña y densa bola de fuego que explotó. La mayoría de los astrónomos utilizan la teoría del Big Bang para explicar cómo comenzó el universo.
This reaction is an example of Nucleophilic substitution reaction. Also, the reaction of (S)-2-bromobutane with sodium methoxide in acetone, is bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2). The reaction equation is given below.
(S)-2-bromobutane + sodium methoxide (in acetone) → 2-methoxybutane