Because frame of reference decides are your forces positive or negative. It is important for the direction of motion.
If you have no way to accurately measure all of the object's bumps and dimples, then the only way to measure its volume is by means of fluid displacement.
-- Put some water into a graduated (marked) container, read the amount of water, drop the object into the container, and read the new volume in the container. The volume of the object is the difference between the two readings.
-- Alternatively, stand an unmarked container in a large pan, and fill it to the brim. Slowly slowly lower the object into the unmarked container, while the pan catches the water that overflows from it. When the object is completely down in the container, carefully remove the container from the pan, and measure the volume of the water in the pan. It's equal to the volume of the object.
<span>When you are setting up your budget, it is easier to start by setting your budgeting amounts based on the average of your last three months of spending. Many budgeting programs can import past transactions and help you come up with the estimates that you need for your budget. Then you can begin to make adjustments after you have those initial amounts.
The two main goals are to spend less than you earn and to know where your money is going. Once you have a working budget you can work towards your other goals of saving money and getting out of debt. It is important to avoid theses common budgeting mistakes <span>when setting up your budget.
what is the direction of the sum of these two vectors?
Twin type has less to do with what twins look like and more to do with how they formed.
Identical, or monozygotic, twins form when a single fertilized egg splits and develop as two babies in the uterus. Identical twins originate from the same combination of cells and have the same genetic origin. They are ALWAYS the same sex, two girls/two boys. They may look very similar and it may be difficult to tell them apart.
Fraternal, or dizygotic, twins are two individuals from the same pregnancy who from TWO SEPARATE eggs fertilized by TWO SEPARATE SPERM. The genetic similarity between fraternal twins is the same as any two siblings, about 50 percent. They can be boys, girls, or one of each.