27.82998 km/min
To convert m/sec into km/hr, multiply the number by 18 and then divide it by 5.
the total kinetic and potential energy of the ball is constant (mechanical energy remains the same)
As the ball falls, kinetic energy is increased in direct relation with the decrease in potential energy
ΔKE + ΔPE = 0
You have a displacement of 5 units to the right.
First you go three to the right which lands on the 3 mark. Then you move it 4 to the left which substracts 4, landing the object at -1. Finally you move 6 to the right, and you finish at marker 5. Since displacement is not total distance but just final distance from the start point directly to end point, it is only a displacement of 5.
Gravity, Weak, Electromagnetic and Strong.
I don't know I guess its the plate tectonics