Answer:Report writing consists of the history and facts of a project or of any kind of event. It is useful to record past history and an overall summary of decisions. Report writing helps to solve problems as a path. Writing a report will guide you in a way that will modernize details of the improvements and upcoming plans.
Ponding will occur in 40mins
We say that the infiltration rate is the velocity or speed at which water enters into the soil. This often times is measured by the depth (in mm) of the water layer that can enter the soil in one hour. An infiltration rate of 15 mm/hour means that a water layer of 15 mm on the soil surface, will take one hour to infiltrate.
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Hi! I believe the answer is 2 meters(:
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I think the answer is as they put brake ..
I am not sure .. just check the image also provided above .. ..
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Answer / Explanation:
Regarding α and β Particles in Windowless Counter, the range of α particles is lower than β particles. Alpha particles typically have range less than the dimensions of the gas chamber so that proportional counters are able to easily record. Hence, with almost 100% efficiency, each particle which enters the so called active volume.
Then, since the pulse height spectra depends on the number of ion pairs which have formed, an aplha particle with higher energy creates more ion pairs in the chamber. However, beta particle range usually exceeds the dimensions of the chamber and therefore most of the betas hit the walls where they deposit energy. Then, fewer ion pairs are formed because very few β’s give their energy to the bulk gas.