Acceleration is the rate at which an object changes its speed. When a raindrop is falling down from the clouds due to gravity, the veloicty is pretty much fast, however air resistance comes in action and slows the droplet down... it gives it a constant speed until it hits the ground
you picked the right one the net worth of force would be 10
how cuz you got 1 team with 6 force then aother 1 with 4 add em up u get 10
Of course, at STP, dioxygen is a gas, but 10.0 g is still 10.0 g. We could calculate its volume at STP, which is 22.4 L × its molar quantity, approx. 8⋅L . There are 1.51×1023molecules O2 in 10.0 g O2 .
I need you to explain the question