Matter is the basic unit of every thing in the world, whether living or nonliving. So, it is logical to set definitions and postulates because these could pave way to other complexities of science. It is the foundation of science. That is why theories and laws are formulated for matter such as: Kinetic Theory of Matter, Dalton's Atomic Model, Newton's Law of Motion, Conservation Laws and many more.
The longest chain of carbons will contain the highest number of carbon atoms.
question 3 - the longest chain have 7 carbon atoms
question 4 - the longest chain have 8 carbon atoms
question 1 - the longest chain have 5 carbon atoms
You may find in the attached picture the longest chain colored in blue for each of the compounds.
Learn more about:
longest carbon chain
Answer:The masses of the reactants and products formed are not included in the question, so we cannot determine the percentage yield of water without knowing the yields of other substances.
However the formulae for percentage yield is;
Percentage yield=experimental yield/theoretical yield X 100