Flourine has atomic number of 9 and hence 9 electrons in its neutral state. The full electronic configuration is given as;
1s2 2s2 2p5
Carbon has atomic number of 6 and hence 6 electrons in it's neutral state. The noble gas notation as the following format;
[closest noble gas before the element] remaining electrons
The nearest noble gas to carbon is Helium, the noble gas notation is given as;
[He] 2s4
Q3.) acidic
q4.)that the solution is acidic
q5.)that the solution is alkaline
Constellations Changing Positions!!!! :D <----(smiley face)
Due to the earth's rotation, stars appear to move. As the Earth rotates from west to east, the stars appear to rise in the East, moving across south to set in the west. The Sun will appear to move through the stars, making one complete circuit of the sky in 365 days!!
(yes i'm literally 9+6 years old and idek why i'm doing this XD )
You would get four moles of magnesium nitrate :) you would have to
“ ?molesmg(oh)2 = 8molmg(no3)2 x molmg(oh)2 / 2molhno3 = 4 moles of magnesium nitrate :))) hopefully this helps! <3
A process is called spontaneous if the process takes place on its own without the intervention of external factors.
The spontaneous processes are generally quick with observable rates of reaction.But processes can be spontaneous even with negligible rates of reaction.
Spontaneity of reactions depend on temperature.
This is because spontaneity is measured by gibbs energy or enthalpy.
Both of these measures are dependent on temperature.
So,temperature affects spontaneity.