So you subtract the numbers that are on the same axis. So if your gravitational force is 10 and your normal force is 5 you do 5-10 to get -5 since gravity acts downward
the extension recorded by the student would be smaller than the actual extension of the spring
Contour lines are lines that signifies the elevation on a mountain or hill
Neurogenesis does not occur everywhere in the brain but is evident in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb and perhaps in the cerebral cortex. New neurons are born not from mature nerve cells but rather develop from neural stem cells that remain in our brains throughout life.
Where they slide over each other.
Transform boundaries are formed or occur when two plates slide past each other in a sideways motion. They do not tear or crunch into each other (but the rock in between them may be ground up) and therefore none of the spectacular features are seen such as occur in divergent and convergent boundaries.
In a transform boundary, neither plate is added to at the boundary nor destroyed. They are marked in some places by features like stream beds that have been split in half and the two halves moved in opposite directions.