The answer is high to low.
Scientific theory because it's a theory it's already an answer but it might change depending on the condition.
When a magnet is brought close to the picture tube, the interaction between the flying electrons and the magnetic field creates a force that throws the electrons off course. Now the electrons are hitting the screen in places they were not intended to strike and the picture becomes distorted.
When a television receives a signal, it first splits off the audio (sound) signal and the picture signal from a carrier wave (which is used to allow the signal to be transmitted over long distances). The audio is sent straight to the speakers to produce sound. The picture signal consists of three elements, red, green and blue. A standard television has three 'electron guns' at the back of the set, one for each colour. Let's start by looking at the red signal. The red signal is fed into one of these 'guns'. The gun produces a beam of electrons that varies in intensity with the strength of the red signal. This beam is fired towards the tv screen. The electron beam starts at the top-left of the screen and magnetic fields are used to 'sweep' this beam across the screen in parallel horizontal lines (if you look closely at a tv screen you can see these lines). UK televisions (PAL) have 625 lines and update the picture 25 times per second, US televisions (NTSC) have 525 lines but update 30 times per second. The back of the tv screen is covered in phosphor 'dots' (pixels) which glow when they are struck by these electrons. The red-signal electron beam is aimed so that it strikes phosphor dots that glow red, emitting photons which the eye can detect. The same process occurs for green and blue; each colour signal goes to one particular electron gun which excites just the dots of that colour, the signal tells the gun how strong it should be which in turn means some dots glow brighter than others. When you sit back from the tv screen, you don't notice the dots nor the flicker, your eye blends the image together to give a clear picture which appears to move. Now to answer the question! A magnet distorts the picture as it distorts the path of electrons flowing from the electron gun towards the screen inside the tv. As electrons are negatively charged particles, their motion is distorted by a magnet. So it is these electrons, not photons, which are distorted by the magnet. On older tvs, damage caused by holding a magnet too close to a tv could be permanent; newer tvs tend to have a demagnetisation process when you switch them on, to ensure that the picture is not permanently distorted. ehehe..
The numerical value for the acceleration of gravity is most accurately known as 9.8 m/s/s.
A radio telescope is simply a telescope that is designed to receive radio waves from space. In its simplest form it has three components:
1. One or more antennas to collect the incoming radio waves. Most antennas are parabolic dishes that reflect the radio waves to a receiver, in the same way as a curved mirror can focus visible light to a point.
2. A receiver and amplifier to boost the very weak radio signal to a measurable level. These days the amplifiers are extremely sensitive and are normally cooled to very low temperatures to minimise interference due to the noise generated by the movement of the atoms in the metal (called thermal noise).
3. A recorder to keep a record of the signal. Most radio telescopes nowadays record directly to some form of computer memory disk as astronomers use sophisticated software to process and analyse the data.