<em>Evaporation is the process in which water from a variety of sources (usually the ocean) evaporates and condenses into the air to form clouds.</em>
<em>Transpiration is the process in which plants release water in gas form. It is similar to evaporation but not exactly like it.</em>
<em>Condensation is the formation of clouds from the byproducts of evaporation and transpiration. These clouds can produce rain, snow etcetera.</em>
<em>Precipitation is rain (or any of its forms, e.g. snow) that enters the biosphere before becoming runoff.</em>
<em>Runoff is the process in which water flows through Earth's surface before getting filtered through percolation.</em>
<em>Percolation is the process in which water goes through a filter before evaporating.</em>
<u><em>I hope I helped! :)</em></u>