. Underclothes; Bedding; Dirty laundry; Fingernail scrapings; Cups/bottles ... A cigarette butt found at a crime scene may contain valuable DNA material in the dried ... DNA evidence from both the victim's blood and the perpetrator's skin cells may ... DNA testing must be conducted in a laboratory with dedicated facilities and ...
According to the data given in the question, experiment on table two pulling and falling masses are arranged in the fig. 250 g is pulling right side and 100 g pulling down. The gravitational force is common to both the masses, so we cannot say that the block moves towards heavier mass, also the block does not move towards the lighter mass.
Obviously, the effect of heavier mass of 250 g is more on the block, so the block moves towards right bottom corner. i.e., diagonally between two masses
please find the attachment.
A compass works the way it does because Earth has a magnetic field that looks a lot like the one in a magnet. The Earth's field is completely invisible, but it can be felt by a compass needle on the Earth's surface, and it reaches thousands of miles out into space.