Bottom left <span>on the periodic table</span>
You should use Avogadro’s number for the conversion, because Avogadro’s Law states that there are 6.02 x 10^23 atoms per 1 mol of that substance.
First, the microwaves transmit kinetic energy to the water molecules of the food, heating the water molecules. Only, those that are not very deep into the food.
Second, the hot water molecules transmit heat by conduction to the other parts of the food.
1) Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation. The same as any wave, they carry energy.
2) The wave length of microwaves are in the range of 0.001 mm to 1 m (shorter than radio waves and longer than infrared)
3) The microwaves of an oven, used to heat food, have a wave length aroun 12 cm.
4) The microwaves transmit energy to the water molecules in the food, by increasing the kinetic energy of water molecules. As result, the water molecules get hotter. Microwaves only penetrate about 1 cm inside the food (a potato for example) and from that the heat is transferred by conduction to the inner parts of the food.
<span>Answer: option (4) the same magnitude and the opposite sign.
<span /><span /><span>
</span><span>1) Electrons are negative particles thar are around the nucleus of the atom (in regions called orbitals).
<span /><span /><span>
2) Protons are positive particles that are inside the nuclus of the atom.
</span><span />
<span>3) The nucleus of the atom has the same number of protons as electrons are in the orbitals of the atom.
<span /><span /><span>
4) The atoms are neutral (neither positive nor negative) because there are the same number of electrons and protons and their charge are of the same magnitude but different sign: (+) + (-) = 0: positive + negative = neutral.</span>