The conversion for km to inches is:
Now we can solve for 56 km..
56km=<span> 2204725.6in
One problem with weight training as a way to improve overall health is that the results of a weight-training program are not measurable.
A wave is a vibration in mediun tbat carries energy from one place to another.
1. Most PE, because PE is directly proportional to distance (height)
Height: 100 meters
Speed: 0 mph
2. Most KE, because KE is directly proportional to speed
Height: 10 meters
Speed: 40 mph
3. Most TE, average KE
Height: 10 meters
Speed: 40 mph
4. The skater gains thermal energy as she goes down the slope, because the speed of the skater increases, so it increases the total kinetic energy of the particles, and makes them vibrate faster, resulting in a higher temperature.