energy? or power? I'm not really sure but using the quizzes app really help with science problems
In the question "What is true for solar, wind, and geothermal energy?" The correct answer is that they are all renewable energy.
Solar energy is energy that comes from the heat from the sun.
Wind energy is the energy that is generated from the wind.
Geothermal energy energy is the energy that comes from the heat from the earth.
you will feel weary after shorter times
Putting together two distinct 50 dB sound, do not create a 100 dB sound. Since decibels are logarithm of energy, creating two sounds together only makes the energy increase but the logarithm only goes up by somehow little. So increasing the sound by 10 dB, only makes it 10000 times louder because each 10 dB increase in sound makes the sound 10 times louder.
Twice as loud is an increase of 10Log (2) = 3.01 dB. So, 53,01 dB is twice as loud as 50dB.
It is correct, the action is paddling, where you move the water backwards, and the reaction is the boat moving forwards.