Water freezes at the freezing point to ice then melts to the melting turning it to liquid and vapor causing gas in precipitation
Initially its moving with tail wind so here the speed of wind will support the motion of the plane
so we can say

now when its moving with head wind we can say that wind is opposite to the motion of the plane

now by using above two equations we can find speed of palne as well as speed of wind

Answer: 313920
Explanation:First, we’re going to assume that the top of the circular plate surface is 2 meters under the water. Next, we will set up the axis system so that the origin of the axis system is at the center of the plate.
Finally, we will again split up the plate into n horizontal strips each of width Δy and we’ll choose a point y∗ from each strip. Attached to this is a sketch of the set up.
The water’s surface is shown at the top of the sketch. Below the water’s surface is the circular plate and a standard xy-axis system is superimposed on the circle with the center of the circle at the origin of the axis system. It is shown that the distance from the water’s surface and the top of the plate is 6 meters and the distance from the water’s surface to the x-axis (and hence the center of the plate) is 8 meters.
The depth below the water surface of each strip is,
di = 8 − yi
and that in turn gives us the pressure on the strip,
Pi =ρgdi = 9810 (8−yi)
The area of each strip is,
Ai = 2√4− (yi) 2Δy
The hydrostatic force on each strip is,
Fi = Pi Ai=9810 (8−yi) (2) √4−(yi)² Δy
The total force on the plate is found on the attached image.