During stage 3 - late expanding (of demogrpahic transition model)
During stage 3, birth rate begins to decline as infant mortality is lower and women have more access to education, family planning, and contraceptives. Children are not needed as "free labor" as they might have been in earlier stages.
Look at the title of the graph, in small print under it.
Each point is "compared to 1950-1980 baseline". So the set of data for those years is being compared to itself. No wonder it matches up pretty close !
Magnetic force obeys an inverse square law with distance. ... If the distance between two magnets is halved the magnetic force between them will increase to four times the initial value.
An electron that is far away from the nucleus have higher energy than an electron near the nucleus. Nucleus are positively charged and those electrons near it get attracted; those electrons gain kinetic energy hence reducing their internal energy. The electrons far from nucleus have low kinetic energy hence more internal energy.