Il fait plus chaud à l'équateur et plus froid aux pôles car : 1°) les rayons du Soleil sont plus concentrés au niveau de l'équateur et plus diffus au niveau des pôles ; 2°) l'épaisseur d'air composant l'atmosphère, traversée par les rayons du Soleil est plus importante aux pôles qu'à l'équateur.
Answer: decomposition
1 . Combustion is a type of chemical reaction in which a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide ans water along with liberation of large amount of energy.
2. Decomposition is a type of chemical reaction in which a single reactant gives two or more than two products.

3. Single replacement is a type of chemical reaction in which a more reactive element displaces the less reactive element from its slat solution.
4. Synthesis is a type of chemical reaction in which two or more than two reactants combine together to give a single product.
The answer is a. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere
Rate = -1/2 Δ[SO<sub>2</sub>]/Δt
so its gonna be (in more simple terms) rate= -1/2Δ(SO2)/Δt
TNT has the molecular formula: C7H5N3O6. And hence, when reacted in oxygen gas, you get what is known as <span>combustion</span> reaction. the reaction is: <span><span>C7</span><span>H5</span><span>N3</span><span>O6</span>+<span>O2</span>→C<span>O2</span>+<span>N2</span>+<span>H2</span><span>O</span></span>