Because the nucleas is In the middle and the Electrons surround it
C) What is the multiplicity of Proton-alpha's signal in this scenario when there are 2 identical protons "next door"?
Based on n+1 rule. Here n=2 (identical beta protons).
So the multiplicity of alpha proton is triplet, .
D) For molecules containing only single bonds (we'll discuss the influence of double bonds in a future lecture), what is the adjective that describes the position of protons that split a "next door neighbor's" signal?
The meaning of the adjective is this: the multiplicity of beta protons is singlet only (no spliting) in absence of alpha proton . But beta protons splits as doublet (n=1) in the presence of alpha proton,
E) How many bonds connect these "splitting next door neighbors"?
There are 3 bonds in between alpha and beta protons in a molecule.
F) What is the multiplicity of the Proton-betas' signal?
Following the n+1 rule, here n=1 (1 alpha proton) so 1+1=2. Hence it is a doublet.
The sun shines with equal intensity on a farm field, an asphalt road and the ocean. So basically asphalt road are heated the most during the day
The heat of water is more than the specific heat of sand.
Therefore sand is hot.
.Water is reflecting solar radiation.
The land retains more heat since the land absorb solar radiation.
Therefore the land surfaces warm faster.
Since water is a slow conductor of heat, it need more energy than the sand. so its temperature is increasing. soil loses heat faster.
The ocean heats slower than land , the land air is more warmer than lean air. After the sun set the land loses heat quickly .The air above it cools.