Atomic number is 8 and atomic mass is taken as 16 amu
A beta emission radioactive decay can pass through the body.
By minimizing the height of the body's center of gravity relative to its center of buoyancy
In hydrostatics, the equilibrium state of a floating body relates to either a maximum or minimum of the potential energy.An equilibrium is stable when the potential energy is minimum.Minimizing the height of the floating body's center of gravity relative to its center of buoyancy attains a stable equilibrium configuration.
PubChem CID 16663
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Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula C9H20
Synonyms 4-ETHYLHEPTANE 2216-32-2 Heptane, 4-ethyl- 4-ethyl-heptane 4-ethyl heptane
they produce no DIRECT emissions
that is why they are good in cities to reduce air pollution . but sometypes can produce lesser emissions.