Incredible amounts of fossil fuels are used to mine for materials, buil and transport electric vehicles
Electric vehicles use electricity to charge their batteries. Most electricity is generated using fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal .
Speed of the source of sound = v = 44.7 m/s
Speed of sound = V = 343 m/s
a) Apparent frequency as the train approaches = f = [V /(V -v) ] × f
= [343 / (343 - 44.7) ] × 415 = 477.18 Hz
Wave length = λ = v / f = 343 / 477.18 = 0.719 m
b) Frequency heard as the train leaves = f ' = [V / ( V + v) ] f
= [343 / { 343 + 44.7 ) ] x 415
= 367.2 Hz
Wavelength when leaving = v / f = 343 / 367.2 = 0.934 m
The smallest level of ordination in living things. Every living thing is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Nuclear energy is released during: fission. radioactive decay. man-induced splitting of atoms. Match the basic components of a nuclear reactor with their descriptions. 1. slows down neutrons -> moderator. 2. absorb emitted neutrons -> control rods.
14 hours 18 minutes.
ratio of number of orbits, so it completes 7 orbits in the time Janus does 6.
(16*60+41)*6/7=858 minutes or 14 hours 18 minutes