galactic disk
The galactic disk is a thinned, leveled out distribution of stars which includes the typical to the largest and brightest. The Sun is in the Milky Way and lies amongst the majority of the stars where it bulges.
We need to consider no change in the temperature of gas (isothermal transformation)
Volume and pressure are inversely proportional magnitudes, so we can write:
The statement "The magnetic field of a magnet comes out of the north pole and goes into the south pole" is imprecise
This is because the zero divergence equation (∇ · B = 0 ) is valid for any magnetic field, even if it is time dependent rather than static. Physically, it means that there are no magnetic charges otherwise we would have ∇ · B ∝ ρmag instead of ∇ · B = 0. Consequently, the magnetic field lines never begin or end anywhere in space; instead they form closed loops or run from infinity to infinity.
can you type the question I can't click the