Correct answers: 2 and 3
1- correct would be: Isolation of ibuprofen is not dangerous, but it is necessary because only one enantiomer has effect on interaction with biologic <em>diana</em>
<em>2: Correct! This property of diastereomeric salts (differing solubilities) is really useful for the isolation of the original enantiomers</em>
<em>3: Correct! we can only observe their properties, like polirized light rotation or separation in an assimetric column for chromatography.</em>
4: correct would be: diastereomeric salts do not rotate light, they have lost the property of anantiomers that originated them
Pyridine will neutralize the acid by-product of the reaction.
In the esterifications, hydrochloric acid is released as a by-product that reacts directly with the pyridine in the medium to give the pyridine hydrochloride.
Carbon tetra chloride = CCl4
calcium bromide = CaBr2
Oxygen because it is on the left of the periodic table so it has a strong pull.
Answer: Option (b) is the correct answer.
Buffere is defined as the solution to whom when an acid or base is added then it resists any in change in pH of the solution.
This is because a buffer has the ability to not get affected by the addition of small amounts of an acid or a base. So, basically it keeps the concentration of both hydrogen ions and hydroxides equal. As a result, it helps in maintaining the pH of the solution.
And, the capacity of a buffer solution to resist the change is known as buffer capacity.
Thus, we can conclude that buffering capacity refers to the extent to which a buffer solution can counteract the effect of added acid or base.