30 lb is 480 ounces
34 mi/second is 54.718 kilometre/ second
455 lb/ gal is 54521.024 grams / litre
50 cl is 500 millilitres
55nm is 5.5 × 10^-6 centimetre
If we look at all the options listed, we will notice that the rate of reaction of bromine with each one differs significantly.
For 1-pentene, addition of bromine across the double bond is a relatively fast process. It is usually used as a test for unsaturation. Bromine water is easily decolorized by alkenes.
Cyclohexane, heptane are alkanes. They can only react with chlorine in the presence of sunlight. This is a substitution reaction. It does not occur easily. A certain quantum of light is required for the reaction to occur.
For benzene, bromine can only react with it by electrophilic substitution in which the benzene ring is retained. A Lewis acid is often required for the reaction to occur and it doesn't occur easily.
The subatomic particles within an atom can be used to know the atom or element given.
Of particular interest is the number of protons within the atom.
The periodic table is based on the atomic number of atoms. This atomic number is the number of protons within an atomic space.
So; If we know the number of protons within an atom, we can know the element.
The number of protons given is 82, the element is therefore lead.