If I understand this right, the two elements are Nickel and Copper, elements 28 and 28, respectively. A nickel is worth 5 cents, and a penny, originally comprised of copper, is worth one - the total being six cents.
Here's what I get
1. Names
I. CH₃-CH₂-COOH = 49. propanoic acid
II. CH₃-CH₂-OH = 46. ethanol
III. CH₃-COO-CH₂-CH₂-CH₃ = 47. propyl ethanoate
IV. H-O-CH₂-CH₂-CH₃ = 48. propan-1-ol
V. H-COO-CH₃ = 51. methyl methanoate
VI. CH₃-COOH = 50. ethanoic acid
2. Precursors
52. methyl propionate ⇒ methanol + propanoic acid
53. ethyl methanoate ⇒ ethanol + methanoic acid
The answer is B the flow of electrons through a substance