This techniques is called Microlensing.
Microlensing is a method of gravitational lensing where light from a backdrop point of origin is curved to develop distorted, numerous and/or lightened images by the gravity field of a foreground lens.
This method is very effective in discovering planets that are far-far from earth.It is actually an astronomical effect that was predicted by Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Answer: Productivity increases when inputs and outputs increase proportionately.
Productivity increases when inputs and outputs increase proportionately. Input has to be directly proportional to output to be productive. This means increase in input to a system must leads to drastic increase in the output. When the output is not balanced with the amount of input, it leads to unproductivity.
Being productive can be business wise or in terms if personal growth and development.
The popularity of modern sports help advance a society by bringing people together.
Core is the layer of the sun is energy transferred between atoms.