A. They can be mixed together to make almost any other color.
The most significant thing about primary colors is that they can be mixed together to form any other colors. Primary colors are red, blue and green. These are the three primary colors of light.
- Other colors can derived from primary colors when making pigments.
- If the the three primary colors are mixed together, white color is produced.
- Secondary colors are the other colors produced by combining any two primary colors of light.
- Two colors the produce white when mixed are complementary colors.
Learn more:
Color vision brainly.com/question/5661389
The true scientific way is the last: using the water displacement method
Gregor Mendel is considered the "Father of Genetics" because of his work with pea plants.
speed is the magnitude of velocity which is given as 90 km/hr and it does not change. only the direction change , the direction at any time is given by the tangent to the circle at that time and location.
from the diagram , at north side, the velocity is directed in west direction