1. it is symbolized as 4/2 He
: Alpha rays
2. it has the weakest penetrating power
: Alpha rays
3. It is a high-speed electron
: beta rays
4. It possesses neither mass nor charge
: gamma rays
5. it has the strongest penetrating power
: beta rays
6. its is symbolized as 0/-1e
: beta rays
7. it is the most massive of all the components: alpha rays
Let us consider the characteristics of each of the given rays.
α rays: These are helium nucleus so are symbolized by 
Due to two protons and two neutrons unlike beta and gamma rays these are the most massive and thus have least penetrating power among the three given rays.
β rays: These are actually high speed electrons and are symbolized as
. Due to lesser mass than alpha rays they are more penetrating than them however less penetrating than gamma rays.
γ rays : They carry no charge or mass. Due to least massive among the three rays they have highest penetrating power.