Creating new elements in order to study their properties is definitely pure research.
It has no earthly [known] application, since the elements don't even exist, whereas
for each of the other choices, you've stated the desired application as the reason
for the search.
The andwer of tye question is 3O2
M[min] = M[basket+people+ balloon, not gas] * ΔR/R[b]
ΔR is the difference in density between the gas inside and surrounding the balloon.
R[b] is the density of gas inside the baloon.
Let V be the volume of helium required.
Upthrust on helium = Weight of the volume of air displaced = Density of air * g * Volume of helium = 1.225 * g * V
U = 1.225gV newtons
Weight of Helium = Volume of Helium * Density of Helium * g
W[h] = 0.18gV N
Net Upward force produced by helium, F = Upthrust - Weight = (1.225-0.18) gV = 1.045gV N -----
Weight of 260kg = 2549.7 N
Then to lift the whole thing, F > 2549.7
So minimal F would be 2549.7
1.045gV = 2549.7
V = 248.8 m^3
Mass of helium required = V * Density of Helium = 248.8 * 0.18 = 44.8kg (3sf)
Let the density of the surroundings be R
Then U-W = (1-0.9)RgV = 0.1RgV
So 0.1RgV = 2549.7 N
V = 2549.7 / 0.1Rg
Assuming that R is again 1.255, V = 2071.7 m^3
Then mass of hot air required = 230.2 * 0.9R = 2340 kg
Notice from this that M = 2549.7/0.9Rg * 0.1R so
M[min] = Weight of basket * (difference in density between balloon's gas and surroundings / density of gas in balloon)
M[min] = M[basket] * ΔR/R[b]
<em>The direction of the magnetic field on point P, equidistant from both wires, and having equal magnitude of current flowing through them will be pointed perpendicularly away from the direction of the wires.</em>
Using the right hand grip, the direction of the magnet field on the wire M is counterclockwise, and the direction of the magnetic field on wire N is clockwise. Using this ideas, we can see that the magnetic flux of both field due to the currents of the same magnitude through both wires, acting on a particle P equidistant from both wires will act in a direction perpendicularly away from both wires.
The correct option is;
B. Throughout all of history
A body of knowledge comprises of a given collection of concepts, activities and terms that represents a professional discipline that is outlined by the associated scholarly society, therefore, scientific knowledge, being comprised of very diverse field of knowledge, with different approaches and changing understanding is taking as a process of learning about the universe data collection, experimenting analysis and communication with a theme of systems, equilibrium, models and constant change which makes the basis of the body of scientific knowledge to be throughout all of history.