<em>The absolute threshold of hearing is the minimum sound level of a pure tone that an average human ear with normal hearing can hear with no other sound present. The absolute threshold relates to the sound that can just be heard by the organism.</em>
The movement of a body can be analyzed using New's first law. In an inertial frame (without acceleration) every body is kept at rest or moving at constant speed until there is an external force that changes this state
Let's analyze these cases in the framework of this first law
a) If the vehicle is going at constant speed the two bodies (the egg and the hands) do not change movement so he had returned to the hands
b) If the vehicle accelerates the passenger goes faster, but the egg that is not subject to anything does not change the movement, so it falls behind the passenger
c) If the vehicle slows down, the passenger reduces its speed and the distance traveled in time, but the egg that is not attached follows its movement and falls in front of the passenger.
Maybe number 4 could help.
Cell are small and us human can't see them with our own eyes. it is in possible to see cell without a microscope