The main purpose was for power. The vessel has come to symbolize Sweden's Great Power Period, when the nation became a major European power and controlled much of the Baltic.
and my favorite song is popular loner
my favorite rapper is rod wave
<em>No, the velocity profile does not change in the flow direction.</em>
In a fluid flow in a circular pipe, the boundary layer thickness increases in the direction of flow, until it reaches the center of the pipe, and fill the whole pipe. If the density, and other properties of the fluid does not change either by heating or cooling of the pipe, <em>then the velocity profile downstream becomes fully developed, and constant, and does not change in the direction of flow.</em>
Half-wave rectifier converts an AC signal into a DC signal. It's called a half-wave because it only rectify the positive part of an AC signal.
AC Signal = An electrical signal that alternates between positive and negative voltage.
DC Signal = An electrical signal that only has positive voltage.
Rectify = A fancy word for converting something.
Adding a capacitor helps the positive part of the signal stay on longer. This work because the capacitor stores energy kinda like a battery. During the negative part of the AC signal, the energy stored in the capacitor will be drained and used, then the cycle repeats.
The load resistor is just there to prevent a short circuit from happening.