The chemical makeup found on the periodic table.
This is because all steps from A-D are important to obtain an accurate result
C. It is hard to recreate the extremely high temperatures and pressures found inside stars.
Nuclear fusion occurs when atomic nuclei are forcefully combined to create a new atomic nuclei or subatomic particles. In nature, this process takes place in our Sun and other stars. Within stars, extremely high temperatures and pressures are achieved and cause nuclear fusion to occur. Humans have not yet been successful in recreating the environment necessary to mimic this process.
Mole - one of the most important concepts in chemistry - is a kind of link to go from the microworld of atoms and molecules in a normal macrocosm grams and kilograms.
In chemistry often have to consider large numbers of atoms and molecules. For fast and efficient calculation made using the weighing method. But it is necessary to know the weight of individual atoms and molecules. In order to identify the molecular weight must be added the weight of all atoms in the compound.