Element. element cannot be simplerfide
-- Starting from nothing (New Moon), the moon's shape grows ('waxes')
for half of the cycle, until it's full, and then it shrinks ('wanes') for the next
half of the cycle.
-- The moon's complete cycle of phases runs 29.53 days . . . roughly
four weeks.
-- So, beginning from New Moon, it spends about two weeks waxing until
it's full, and then another two weeks waning until it's all gone again.
-- After a Full Moon, the moon is waning for the next two weeks. So it's
definitely <em>waning</em> at <em><u>one week</u></em> after Full.
Part 1) Voltage in secondary windings is 61.08 Volts
Part 2) Current in secondary windings is 0.53 Amperes
The potential developed in the primary and secondary winding of a transformer are related as

Np no of turns in primary coil
Ns no of turns in secondary coil
Vp Voltage of turns in primary coil
Vs Voltage of turns in secondary coil
Applying values in the formula we get

Part 2)
Using Ohm's law the current is given by

The animal that is hunted and consumed is considered the prey