
1. Take in account the sulfuric acid at STP:

2. Density is expressed as the ratio between the mass and the volume of a substance so:

Solving for m:

3. Replace values:

L and D stand for levorotatory and dextrorotatory respectively. A levorotatory molecule will rotate the plane of plane polarised light left and a dextrorotatory molecule will rotate the plane of plane polarised light right. L and D molecules are non superimposable mirror image of each other. Therefore they are also known as enantiomers.
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped, hollow structure located under the liver and on the right side of the abdomen. Its primary function is to store and concentrate bile, a yellow-brown digestive enzyme produced by the liver. The gallbladder is part of the biliary tract
In the 150 years since Darwin proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection, a mountain of evidence has accumulated ... How can you know what happened millions of years ago if no one was there to see it? Evidence and observation are the building blocks of all scientific inquiry; evolutionary science is no different
Oxygen gas
It is a pure element. The rest are compounds made up of two or more elements. For eg silicon dioxide is made of silicon and oxygen.