Vacuum. A sound vacuum was created, i believe.
More than five million cubic kilometers of ice have been identified.
it depends on wether the + and - are facing eachother
or away from eachother
Isotopes refer to different atoms of the same element (i.e. same number of protons) that differ in the number of neutrons they have (giving them different atomic weights). Atomic weight is the sum of protons and neutrons (each contributes 1 atomic mass unit).
Carbon has 6 protons by definition. If you have a carbon-13 atom (the 13 referring to its mass), the atom has 13 - 6 = 7 neutrons. Since it's neutral, protons = electrons, so there are also 6 electrons.
Sulfur has 16 protons by definition. If you have a sulfur-32 atom, the atom has 32 - 16 = 16 neutrons. Since it's neutral, protons = electrons, so there are also 16 electrons.