Helium is the least reactive element, since it is a noble gas with the smallest amount of valence rings.
In a closed primary, only voters registered with a given party can vote in that party's primary.
The answer to your question is OPTION B
All of the above are true.
(a). true
whenever charge particle move back and froth from its mean position then it will produce oscillating electric and magnetic fields, . so an em wave can be obtain by accelerating charge
(b). true
the electric field and the magnetic field have vibrations in the perpendicular direction along the motion of the wave so electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave. therefore, the EM wave is a Transverse wave
(c) true .
The Electromagnetic wave consists of the two mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields and also both fields are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.
(d) true .
An electromagnetic wave carry energy through vacuum with a speed of
so , all of the above are true.
Speed = (wavelength) x (frequency
Speed = (.020 m) x (5 / sec)
Speed = 0.1 m/s