I am Providing Answer in C Language Program.
Please find attachment regarding code of taking two numbers input and adding them.
I would like to recommend you please use software which supports C language.
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
int a, b, sum;
printf ("\ nEnter two no:");
scanf ("% d% d", & d, & e);
sum1 = d + e;
printf ("Sum:% d", sum1);
return (0);
The following statements are true:
A. For flows over a flat plate, in the laminar region, the heat transfer coefficient is decreasing in the flow direction
C. For flows over a flat plate, the transition from laminar to turbulence flow only happens for rough surface
E. In general, turbulence flows have a larger heat transfer coefficient compared to laminar flows 6.
Select ALL statements that are TRUE
B. In the hydrodynamic fully developed region, the mean velocity of the flow becomes constant
D. For internal flows, if Pr>1, the flows become hydrodynamically fully developed before becoming thermally fully developed