Wireless devices, wi-fi routers, granite countertops, microwaves, cigarettes (if you smoke in your house), older box-shaped tv’s, antiques (furniture, jewelry, silverware), smoke detectors ( some use small amounts of radioactive isotope, americium-241 to alert you when there’s smoke in the air, light bulbs, computer screens, electric blankets, garage door openers. Hope it helps.
Adding solvent or removing solute from a solution is called diluting. And a solution is said to be concentrated if it has more solute. The opposite of diluting is called concentrating. The measure of the amount of solute in a solution is expressed in concentration.
We can't see the options so we don't know what we can put
Protons, it was once organized by atomic mass but organizing by protons turned out to be better
It would be MnSO4
The (II) lets you know it’s the form with a 2+ charge and Sulfate has a 2- charge
These will cancel out making it plain MnSO4
If it was manganese (iii) sulfide the answer would be Mn2(SO4)3