Yes because the equation is balanced!
The answer is mass
Because mass is an extensive property of matter
An open system
An open system is a system in which both matter and energy are exchanged freely between the system and the surroundings.
An example is a pot of water boiling on the stove. The surroundings (the stove) can supply heat energy to the water and the water can escape into the atmosphere.
A <em>closed system</em> is a system in which energy but not matter is exchanged freely between the system and the surroundings.
An example is a pressure cooker on the stove. The surroundings (the stove) can supply heat energy to the food inside, but no matter can escape through the closed lid.
An <em>isolated system</em> is a system in which neither energy nor matter can be exchanged between the system and the surroundings.
An example is a thermos of hot soup. The cap prevents matter from escaping and the shiny interior reflects heat back into the soup.
His mistake was that he also gave the plants in the music room some fertilizer
When carrying out a reliable experiment, the only variable should be the question being tested. The question here is whether playing music for plants helps them grow faster. Therefore, all the plants should be grown in exactly the same conditions apart from the presence or absence of music.
However, Jo also added fertilizer to the plants in the room where music was playing. Therefore, we don't know whether the fertilizer or the music caused the plants to grow faster.
Instead, Jo should have not given fertilizer to any of the plants, or given fertilizer to all the plants.