No organism can detect X-rays or radio waves
Unfortunately, we have not fully solved the 'nitrogen problem'. To do this, we must halve the amount of nitrogen we dump into the environment by mid-century or our ecosystems will face epidemics of toxic tides, lifeless rivers, and dead oceans. And that to do that will require, among other things, almost doubling the efficiency of nitrogen use on the world’s farms.
1. Two people stand on the same side of a large tire. Both people pull the tire with equal force.
2. an object’s ability to not change its motion
3. The car moves forward, while inertia keeps the balloon in place.
4. The unbalanced forces of air resistance and gravity slow the airplane and pull it down.
5. The force acting on the object must be unbalanced.
Group A elements or the main group
Another name for the representative elements are the Group A elements or the main group elements