Zinc, Cerio, Talio, Cloro y Criptón.
El zinc es el elemento que tiene el número atómico 30 y su símbolo es Zn. Se encuentra en el grupo 2B de la tabla periódica. El cerio es el elemento que tiene el número atómico 58 y su símbolo es Ce. Se encuentra en el grupo de lantánidos de la tabla periódica. El talio es el elemento que tiene el número atómico 81 y su símbolo es Tl. Se encuentra en el tercer grupo de la tabla periódica. El cloro es el elemento que tiene el número atómico 17 y su símbolo es Cl. Se encuentra en el séptimo grupo de la tabla periódica. El criptón es el elemento que tiene el número atómico 36 y su símbolo es Kr. Se encuentra en el grupo de gases nobles, es decir, en la tabla periódica del octavo grupo.
B. K+cation
Not all that sure but hope it will help.
Well this has a good chance of being wrong but i wanna say,
When you change a physical property of something it doesn't affect the chemicals that make it up. Like Ice, you can freeze water to make ice. You change a physical property (state of matter) but it's chemical properties don't change because in the end it's still water.
However if you remove a chemical property from something you are changing what made the new substance with will also change the substance along with it.
That's just what I think though
The estimated feed rate of logs is 14.3 logs/min.
The product of the process is 2000 tons/day of dry wood pulp, of 85 wt% of cellulose. That represents (2000*0.85)=1700 tons/day of cellulose.
That cellulose has to be feed by the wood chips, which had 47 wt% of cellulose in its composition. That means you need (1700/0.47)=3617 tons/day of wood chips to provide all that cellulose.
Th entering flow is wood chips with 45 wt% of water. This solution has an specific gravity of 0.640.
To know the specific gravity of the wood chips we have to write a volume balance. We also know that Mw=0.45*M and Mc=0.55*M.

The specific gravity of the wood chips is 0.494.
The average volume of a log is

The weight of one log is

To provide 3617 ton/day of wood chips, we need

The feed rate of logs is 14.3 logs/min.